Events between the U.S.S. Enterprise (1701-D) and various Romulan, Klingon, and Ferengi vessels have shown a definite, and some say serious, weakness in the offensive and defensive systems of the Galaxy class. Proponents of the dreadnought program have used this to attempt to justify additional construction. The Advanced Starship Design Board was commissioned by the Military Staff Committee to prepare a proposal to improve the Galaxy class at a much lower cost than the Entente class. The Advanced Starship Design Bureau decided to concentrate on three major areas: propulsion, weapons, and shields.
With the loss of Yamato (CKE 71807) in 2365, it was decided to finish-out three of the six Galaxy class spaceframes that had been mothballed in 2360. The Galaxy (II) class was approved in March of 2367 and the Bright Star was chosen to undergo modification.
Like her Galaxy class sisters, the Galaxy (II) class is classified as a Large Exploratory Cruiser.
Though externally identical to the Galaxy class, the six ships of the Galaxy (II) class incorporate significant improvements in tactical, propulsion, computers, and scientific suites. The sensor suites on these vessels are the equal of those on the Intrepid and Sovereign Classes and make the Galaxy (II) the premiere explorer in the Fleet.
The vessels of the Galaxy (II) class were the first to be equipped with the Leeding Energies LF-43 warp drive, which provides a 20% increase in peak power output over the LF-41 found on the Galaxy and Nebula Classes. This raises the top sustained speed to Warp 9.9 and Bright Star achieved a top sustained speed of Warp 9.93 during “Operation Return”. The LF-43 also incorporates an improved warp-core ejection system that is far more resilient to system damage.
The Bright Star was uprated to a modified coil version of the Cochrane Warp Dynamics LF-44 series of warp drive used on the Sovereign class in 2376 to test its application in new platforms. The drive did prove more powerful and Bright Star achieved a Fleet Speed Record of Warp 9.991 in testing. However, conversion costs were too high to justify refitting the other ships with the drive.
The core upgrades to the Galaxy (II) centred on tactical issues. A plan to install Type X+ megaphasers was shelved when suitable mounting points could not be engineered. Instead, the standard Type X collimator phaser arrays were greatly improved. The energy-release capabilities of the fushigi-no-umi crystals have been increased, delivering almost 50% more power than the standard Type X phasers installed on the Galaxy class. These new arrays are referred to as Type XII. An additional phaser strip was added along the top of each nacelle to correct a gunnery blind spot. The Mk 95 quantum torpedo system has replaced the standard Mk 85. More powerful and with a faster loading system, the Mk 95 is an excellent long-range weapon.
A Combat Information Center has been fitted to Bright Star, along with the Aegis Fleet Fire- Control system. This allows the Bright Star to command ships at the Task Force level via a Link 35 Communications Core. CETIS MK III with Type 225 TACAR II (Target Acquisition Center Accelerated Response) remain standard equipment, though the 42/ADA Countermeasures Support System has been added.
Two flights of Peregrine fightercraft were added to help provide a multi-role capability. A flight of SWACS (Spaceborne Warning and Control System) shuttles provide extended-range sensor capability and command and control functions. Provisions were made for the ship to carry up to a company of Marines, though they are normally not embarked as they are not part of the ship’s general mission.
The uprated power system allowed the installation of the experimental FSS shield system. Designed originally for the Griffon class SCS-X, the FSS incorporates three shield layers to allow the ship to withstand more punishment. As the outer layer is breached, the inner layers take up the slack while the breached layer is replenished underneath. All total, shield strength is doubled. Though a marvel of technological innovation, the incredible complexity of the system and shield grid required extensive modification to be fitted to the Galaxy class spaceframe and prevent it from being retrofitted to other vessels. As the FSS system costs twice as much as the FSQ/2, and due to the complexity, only new-build Galaxy (II) vessels would use the FSS, with uprated ships using the FSQ/2 system.
A controversial addition is the FCE-2 cloaking device. As part of the FSS system, it will effectively cloak the vessel from sensors. Unfortunately, shield effectiveness is reduced by 60%, weapons cannot be fired without disrupting the field, and the energy costs, even with the second reactor, are excessive and a serious drain on the ship’s power grid. The main hanger bay has undergone the necessary modifications needed to launch and retrieve the fighters. Shuttlebays Two and Three remain unchanged.
Computer Systems:
The new M-16 Isolinear III computer was installed aboard Bright Star to test its performance. A partially cybernetic system utilizing “bio-neural gel pack” processors in addition to standard isolinear ones, it is both faster and more powerful than the current M-15 used in the Griffon, Galaxy, and Olympus Classes. In addition, a highly advanced artificial-personality program called E.V.E. (Enhanced Visual interfacE) has been installed on top of the standard LCARS software, providing enhanced computer-human interactions. While all Galaxy (II) ships carry the M-16, only Bright Star has been fitted with the E.V.E. supplement.
As with all the vessels of the Galaxy class, most of the Galaxy (II) class vessels were built in the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in Mars orbit. The only exception was Werner Von Braun, which was built in San Francisco due to her new drive system. Shinohara Heavy Industries was the primary contractor on the Galaxy (II) class as it was on the original.
Development and Construction History:
The developed changes were submitted to the Military Staff Committee in 2367. It was reviewed and approved within the month. The U.S.S. Bright Star (CKE 71875), tasked to become the eighth Galaxy class ship, had yet to have her propulsion, weapons, and shields systems installed. It was decided that this ship would receive the updates and the necessary changes were made in the construction plans. The ship was finished in January 2370 and PSA, shakedown, and trials were all completed and passed with excellent marks. The ship was commissioned on Stardate May 2370. Work on Trinculo was stopped while Bright Star was completed and tested. After the positive reports, Trinculo was modified in the yards to the new specification while the spaceframes of Werner von Braun and Magellan were sent to Utopia Planitia for completion. Two new-build ships of this class were authorized in 2371. All saw service in the later stages of the Dominion War, though the Cortez was lost. A replacement vessel is not planned.
Trinculo (CKE 71867) was to be the seventh Galaxy class starship. Construction was halted pending the completion and testing of the Bright Star. Upon successful completion, the Trinculo was re-classified a Galaxy (II) and completed to those specifications.
Current Specifications for the Galaxy (II) class:
Displacement 4,780,000 mt
Overall Length 642.51 m
Overall Draft 195.26 m
Overall Beam 463.73 m
Two LF-43 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units
Two LF-44 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units (CKE 71875)
Two FIG-5 subatomic unified energy impulse units
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters
“Trentis IV” pulsed laser reaction control system
Warp 7 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.5 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.9+ Maximum Attainable Velocity
5 years, standard
185 Officers
525 Enlisted Crew
1000 Passengers (Normal – Up to 5000 Maximum)
1710 Total Crew (Standard)
Embarked Craft:
1 Danube Class Runabout
4 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle
2 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle
2 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle
8 Type 16 Shuttlepod
8 Peregrine Class Fighter
1 S-3 Sentry SWAC Shuttle
RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance
M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III with LCARS 2.5 / E.V.E. interface software
AEGIS Mk 7 Mod 1 Fleet Fire Control System (CKE 71875)
12 Type XII Collimated Phaser Array
2 Mk 95 Quantum Torpedo Launchers
FSS Primary Force Field
FCE-2 Integrated Cloaking Device
Life Support:
MM6 Modular Gravity Unit
AL4 Life Support System