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Hubble-Class Research Cruiser

History, Design Philosophy & Purpose

The Hubble Class was conceived and designed by Captain Tru’on Star of Andor as a dual role multi-mission/mission specific research vessel. The vessels are small and based on mostly tried-and-true technologies. The second vessel of this class is to be a very special one. Designated the U.S.S. Omar Khayyam, what makes her special is her ability to be used for space/time exploration and research.


The last vessel capable of “regular” time-travel was the timeship U.S.S. Lynx (TS 4600), built from a Monoceros class scout and commissioned in 2285. The ship operated on the principle of “cold start” matter/anti-matter integration first discovered by the USS Enterprise in 2266 around the planet Psi 2000. This process required matter and anti-matter to be thrown together prior to reaching what is generally considered safe operating temperature. The resulting energy release tears a hole in space/time, throwing the ship either forward or backwards in time, depending on the “warp momentum”. The process was extremely tough on the warp drive system and required extensive reworking and modifications. Due to the risks, the ship never ventured “forwards” in time, making only trips back. For the most part, these trips were to observe stellar phenomena and a few major historical events (such as the Terran Eugenics Wars). A total of twelve trips were made over a period of two years before the drive system reached a point of needing complete overhaul. Also, stress fractures along the hull and such brought into serious question the integrity of the ship for future “jumps”. In addition, the vessel had been mired in controversy since the project’s inception, as various factions squabbled on how to use the ship. In the end, the vessel was declared unspaceworthy and scrapped. No further vessels were produced, as the benefits were far outweighed by the costs and risks.


Since the discovery of the “Guardian of Forever” by the USS Enterprise in 2267, the world that the artifact resides on has been one of the most closely guarded planets in the galaxy. Starfleet maintains a robust defence around the system and a large orbital facility, known as Infinity Station, serves as both a defensive structure and as a base for the teams of Federation scientists in temporal mechanics, temporal dynamics, archaeology, quantum physics, and other disciplines that have studied the artifact and the surrounding ruins. The Federation Science and Security Councils also created the Department of Temporal Investigations and charged it with both investigating attempted and actual temporal incidents, as well as preventing them from happening. Part of the “defence” is a group known only by their code name – “Timepiece”. They serve as part of the “Infinity Project” stationed at Infinity Station.



Ships Systems

The Omar Khayyam is very similar to her Hubble sisters, however she has been fitted with additional components specifically-tuned for her space/time duties. The primary role of the vessel remains scientific research, with the ability to remain on-station for indeterminate duration and take care of itself far from normal support resources. The centrepiece of the vessel is her Trans-Finite Quantum Superstring Space Fold Propulsion Unit. In 2379, the Tae’Lon proved that principles cantered around the nature of space-time as it related to quantum superstring structures could be used to negate the mass of an object as it approached C. This discovery opened a floodgate of new theories eventually led to the building of the first “Trans-Finite” drive in 2382, which allowed equal velocity through either space or time. After a series of tests in unmanned prototypes, it was decided to integrate the drive into a functional starship. Brigadier General Robb Jackson, Director of Timepiece, chose the Hubble class both because it’s systems were compatible with the mission parameters undertaken by Timepiece and because the vessels were based on extremely reliable technologies.


The Hubble Class exhibits a new innovation in hull design. The primary (saucer) hull can detach from the secondary (engineering hull) and operate independently. While this concept in and of itself is not new, the systems that allow the primary hull to successfully land on a planet’s surface and return to the secondary hull are. These systems give the primary hull the ability to act as a planetary science station for those planets with less than hospitable atmospheres and where the particular research needs to be onsite. The entire hull incorporates advanced ECM/ECCM devices to reduce the risk of detection by developing cultures. Enhanced adjustable bandwidth sensor arrays for extensive research and multi-purpose research laboratories throughout the vessel give it a large, comprehensive research base. Quad impulse engines give additional in-system manoeuvrability with its high power to mass ratio. The Hubble is able to maintain sustained warp speeds for extended periods of time and its solid shape easily provides an enhancement lattice matrix for a highly stabilized expanded warp field, 4 times that of a comparable sized starship’s maximum extent.


This combination of systems and design allows the cruiser to explore away from the more populated areas of Federation space where assistance may not be immediately available. The Hubble, with its narrow front silhouette and the direct connection between the primary and secondary hulls reduces its silhouette. The smaller size makes it both swift and difficult to target. The use of a rear mounted photon torpedo launcher enables the vessel to retreat, while fully able to defend itself.


Current Specifications for the Hubble Class

Displacement 555,000 mt

Overall Length 252 m

Overall Draft 44 m

Overall Beam 236 m



Two LF-40 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units

One Trans-Finite Quantum Superstring Space Fold Propulsion Unit

Four FIG-2 subatomic unified energy impulse units

QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters

“Trentis IV” pulsed laser reaction control system



Warp 9.0 Standard Cruising Speed

Warp 9.975 Maximum Cruising Speed

Warp 9.999+ Maximum Attainable Velocity



5 years, standard

Complement: 67 Officers

158 Enlisted Crew

10 Civilian Experts

235 Total Crew (Standard)


Embarked Craft:

2 Eidani Class Runabout

6 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle

4 Type 10 Combat Drop Shuttle

3 Type 16 Shuttlepod



RAV / ISHAK Mod 2 Warp Celestial Guidance



M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III with LCARS interface software



2 “Talon” Multi-Directional Phaser Cannon

2 Type X Collimated Phaser Array

5 Type IX Collimated Phaser Array



3 Mk 75 Quantum Torpedo Launchers



FSP/2 Primary Force Field

CIDSS/WADE (Close-In Defector Shield System/Wide Angle Deflector Emitter)

“Heavy” Deflector Supplement

Prentice-Schafer SPE (Sentry Protective Envelope deflector/force field system)

Metaphasic Deflector Shields


Life Support:

MM5/2 Modular Gravity Unit

AL2 Life Support System


Hubble-Class Research Cruiser