The Intrepid class has become one of the more popular ships in the Star Fleet. Blindingly fast, and with an exploration suite superior to that carried on the original Galaxy class, the Intrepid has become an integral part of the post-Dominion war fleet.
Development work on the Intrepid class began in 2363. The stated goal was to provide a high-speed exploration platform that could be constructed quickly and inexpensively. Around the same time, Leeding Engineering announced the successful completion of the LF-45 warp drive. The SSDAC and ASDB decided to marry the two and began construction in 2366.
Initially classified as an Exploratory Cruiser, the vessel’s flexibility, as well as the varied missions it is expected to be performed, the class was rechristened Cruiser once the Development Project was formally approved.
The Intrepid class is a mix of scout and explorer, designed to operate on the frontier of Federation territory. The Intrepid class is designed to operate throughout Federation space. The ship is considerably smaller than her Galaxy and Sovereign sisters, but also costs about a third of the Galaxy to maintain. The Intrepid shape was influenced by her LF-45 warp drive and uses an angular-curvilinear hull shape, which presents a sharply reduced Z-axis frontal area. The simplified cross sections make construction quicker and cheaper and the hull and frame itself is expected to require less rebuilding over the operational life of the ship.
The Intrepid class has benefited from the advances since the Galaxy class entered service. She therefore carries a sensor suite even more advanced than the Galaxy class. However, she does not have the scientific staff, or the breadth of lab areas, as a Galaxy class, making her better suited for “first study” of new phenomena, to be followed up later by a Galaxy or Oberth class. It is expected that the Intrepid class will eventually take on some missions currently handled by the Cheyenne class superscout.
As noted above, Leeding Energies completed the LF-45 variable-geometry warp drive about the same time as the Intrepid class was being developed. The LF-45 is optimized for continuous high-warp operation on vessels massing less than 1.5 million metric tons and boasts a 30% greater fuel efficiency then the LF-41 series of warp drives at Warp 8+. The nacelles themselves are mounted on movable pivots, which moves closer to the hull as the ship enters warp to reduce the warp envelope and cutting warp “drag” at high speeds. The nacelles adjust themselves as needed to maximize the warp field balance. The LF-45 also was the first drive to do-away with the harmful effects on local space. The Intrepid (CA 74655) attained a top sustained speed of Warp 9.975 and holds numerous speed and acceleration records.
The Intrepid class was designed to take care of herself and mounts five Type X phaser strips and two Mk 95 quantum torpedo launchers. The choice of the FSQ shield system, designed for far larger vessels, allows the Intrepid class to take truly punishing hits and still maintain combat effective.
Computer Systems:
The Galaxy (II) class vessel U.S.S. Bright Star was fitted with an experimental computer relay system based on “bio-neural gel packs” in addition to traditional isolinear chips. Classified as the M-16 Isolinear III, it utilized synthetic neurons based on the organization of neurons and synapses in the humanoid brain. The system essentially “grows” new computer circuits as needed. This allows the computer to take a “best guess” in cases where there is insufficient information to make a definitive statement in a logical manner, rather than having to spend the time attempting to calculate all possible actions. In essence, it uses a more intuitive process to arrive at a decision. Based on the system’s success with the Bright Star, it was decided to implement this system on the Intrepid class.
The first set of vessels were built in Earth Station McKinley, with final fitting out being performed at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in Mars orbit.
Development and Construction History:
Intrepid and Voyager were laid down in 2366. Both vessels were completed in 2371 and entered trials. The Intrepid was stationed on the Federation-Cardassian border, and Voyager was lost in the Delta Quadrant while on an interdiction mission against Maquis raiders operating in the “Badlands” near the Bajoran star system. Contact was established in 2374 and has been intermittent since.
Current Specifications for the Intrepid class:
Displacement 750,000 mt
Overall Length 343 m
Overall Draft 66 m
Overall Beam 133 m
Two LF-45 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units
One FIG-4 subatomic unified energy impulse unit
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters
“Trentis IV” pulsed laser reaction control system
Warp 9.0 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.975 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.98 Maximum Attainable Velocity
5 years, standard
41 Officers
100 Enlisted Crew
0 Passengers (Normal – Up to 50 Maximum)
141 Total Crew (Standard)
Embarked Craft:
1 Aerowing Type Runabout
2 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle
0 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle
0 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle
4 Type 16 Shuttlepod
RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance
M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III with LCARS 2.5interface software
5 Type X Collimated Phaser Array
2 Mk 95 Quantum Torpedo Launchers
FSQ Primary Force Field
Life Support:
MM6 Modular Gravity Unit
AL4 Life Support System