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Niagara-Class Fast Cruiser

Upon entering service in 2320, the Ambassador class took its place as the premiere starship class in Federation service. In 2341, Star Fleet Command began to worry about the Romulan “threat”, them being in isolation for what was going on three decades. The Klingons also continued modernizing their forces, with Operation Dixie operatives reporting on the plans for what would become the Vor’cha class. With the last of the old dreadnoughts retired and scrapped, a call was made to strengthen the Ambassador. They also wanted a vessel that could sustain top speed for longer periods, as the Ambassador was an excellent multi-purpose platform. The answer to both problems was a familiar one – add a third nacelle.




The Niagara Class Starship Refi t Project was approved in 2341. The first issue they faced is that the last Ambassador Class starship had been completed in 2339 and restarting the production line, especially for a short run, would be incredibly expensive. By what could only somewhat be called “luck”, the last two vessels built, Niagara and Wellington, had both suffered serious damage in a skirmish with a large Klingon force and were scheduled for refurbishment. It was decided to use both as the basis for the new vessels.




Arguably, three-nacelle heavy cruiser modifications have been classified as dreadnoughts. However, the tactical systems remained essentially unchanged, so the decision was made to reclassify them as “fast cruisers” to reflect their higher sustained top speed.




Only the secondary hulls from the original ships remained intact. The saucer sections had suffered extensive damage and were re-built from the frame up, bearing only a general resemblance to the original form. The LF-41 warp drive was in development at this time, however it was decided to add a third nacelle to the LF-10 drive. The nacelle mounting points were altered to better align the symmetry of the three nacelles.




With the third nacelle, these vessels are capable of sustained speeds almost a full warp factor above the Ambassador. The routing of the intermix shafts were adjusted to fit the nacelle locations and the main reactor has been enlarged and strengthened for the additional power output.




Tactical is the same as on the Ambassador class, with twelve Type IX phaser strips, two Mk 75 photon torpedo launchers, and type FSP shields. Shield strength is increased about 15% due to the additional power available.



Computer Systems:

All three were equipped with the M-13 Isolinear I system, which was more than capable for the job at hand.




All three vessels were converted at the San Francisco Fleet Yards.



Development and Construction History:

Niagara and Wellington entered SFFY within a few months of each other in 2341. The conversion process took roughly twenty-four months for each vessel, and both were commissioned in 2343. About that time it was decided to build a third vessel, using the spare Ambassador class secondary hull available. She was named Princeton and entered service in mid 2347. The three vessels were considered a modest success, however conversion of any of the remaining Ambassador class starships is not planned at this time. The Princeton was lost at the Battle of Wolf 359 and the other two continue in general service.



Niagara and Wellington maintained their original NCC numbers. Princeton was assigned a new number from the available pool.



Current Specifications for the Niagara class:

Displacement 4,185,000 mt

Overall Length 565 m

Overall Draft 179 m

Overall Beam 505 m



Three LF-10 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units

Two FIG-2 subatomic unified energy impulse units

QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters

“Trentis III” pulsed laser reaction control system



Warp 7.0 Standard Cruising Speed

Warp 9.0 Maximum Cruising Speed

Warp 9.4 Maximum Attainable Velocity



5 years, standard



90 Officers

310 Enlisted Crew

0 Passengers (Normal – Up to 300 maximum)

400 Total Crew (Standard)


Embarked Craft:

0 Danube Class Runabout

2 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle

2 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle

2 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle

2 Type 16 Shuttlepod

0 Peregrine Class Fighter

0 S-3 Sentry SWAC Shuttle



RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance



M-12 Duotronic V / M-13 Isolinear I (CF 59804)



12 Type IX Collimated Phaser Array



2 Mk 75 Photon Torpedo Launchers



FSP Primary Force Field


Life Support:

NAG1 Modular Gravity Unit


AL2 Life Support System

Niagara-Class Fast Cruiser
Niagara-Class Fast Cruiser