With the Akira class underway, the Star Fleet Spacecraft Design Advisory Commission began to concentrate on a new vessel to handle the scientifi c and diplomatic missions currently undertaken by the Excelsior class, a design that had been in service for over a half-century. While still a mainstay in the Fleet, these vessels were showing their age and maintenance costs were continuing to rise on the older spaceframes. The Galaxy Class Starship Development Project was underway by this time, but build quantities of these vessels was never expected to be very large, and so emphasis for the new design was placed on ease of construction and suitability to scientifi c and diplomatic missions at the expense of combat effectiveness and sheer speed.
The Norway class is classifi ed as a frigate due to its smaller size and lighter weapons load.
The Norway class has one of the thinnest profi les of any ship in the fl eet, with a draft of less than 53 meters. The front of the ship is triangular in shape, with two slender booms that extend to the back. The booms then fan out towards the bottom to provide the attachment point for the nacelles. The entire design maintains a highly effi cient warp profi le, allowing the ship to attain and maintain excellent speeds, though she is slightly slower than most of her peers. Frigates are not known for the luxury of their fi ttings, and that theme continues with the Norway. Though more comfortable than those on the Akira or Steamrunner, they will not be confused with the more spacious quarters of the Galaxy and Nebula class. However, the Norway does carry a number of suites for use by diplomatic personnel, and has excellent conference facilities. The class is quite popular with her crews. As stated in the design objectives above, the Norway mounts an impressive scientifi c and survey suite for her size.
The Norway class mounts the LF-40 warp nacelle used by most starships in the under one million metric ton range. The running of the plasma conduits from the warp core to the nacelles severely reduced the room available in the booms, but this was considered a worthy trade-off to maximize space inside the primary hull. Performance is very good, with a top speed of Warp 9.7 and a maximum sustained cruising speed of Warp 9.
As opposed to the torpedo-heavy load carried by the Akira, the Norway mounts only two Mk 80 torpedo launchers. It does, however, have a highly fl exible phaser system composed of six separate Type X phaser strips placed across the topside of the hull. This layout was necessitated by the design of the hull. However, standard phaser emitters could not befitted due to space consideration, so the emitters were laid end-to-end instead of side-to-side. Though still capable of the full 5.1MW per emitter, fi ring-times are about two-thirds of that of a normal Type X emitter due to heat-dissipation issues. In general, it is expected that the ship will either use the weapons at full power for short duration, or run at lower power for longer duration. The ship carries the FSQ shield system and the CETIS Mk III with Type 225 TACAR fi re-control suite, both mainstays of the current Star Fleet.
Computer Systems:
Original plans were to mount the M-13 Isolinear I computer, but instead the M-14 Isolinear II model was fi tted, the extra power being deemed necessary for her exploration roles.
Construction of most of the initial batch of Norway class starships was given to Pedersen Spaceport. A second batch was assigned to Hakon Yards in Galena and Cosmadyne Yards, Boston. The fi nal batch was split amongst Chiokis, Hakon, the Avondale Group, New Aberdeen
Development and Construction History:
The Norway class was approved for construction in 2344 and five keels were laid. They were commissioned starting in 2347. The Norway class, along with the larger Akira, was a mainstay during the Dominion War. Its speed and fi repower made it an excellent match for the Galor class cruisers. Oftentimes, the Norways would make a quick attack run by the Galor, allowing the Akiras to sneak in and deliver a crushing torpedo attack.
Current Specifi cations for the Norway class:
Displacement 622,000 mt
Overall Length 365 m
Overall Draft 53 m
Overall Beam 226 m
Two LF-40 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units
Two FIG-2 subatomic unifi ed energy impulse units
QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters
“Trentis IV” pulsed laser reaction control system
Warp 7 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.0 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.7 Maximum Attainable Velocity
Duration: 5 years, standard
80 Offi cers
320 Enlisted Crew
0 Passengers (Normal – Up to 100 maximum)
400 Total Crew (Standard)
Embarked Craft:
0 Danube Class Runabout
4 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle
2 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle
2 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle
4 Type 16 Shuttlepod
0 Peregrine Class Fighter
0 S-3 Sentry SWAC Shuttle
RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance
M-14 Isolinear II
Phasers: 6
Type X Collimated Phaser Array
2 Mk 80 Photon Torpedo Launchers
FSQ Primary Force Field
Life Support:
NAG2 Modular Gravity Unit
AL3 Life Support System