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Saber-Class Scout

Starfleet’s emphasis on new ships in the early twenty-fourth century was on large explorers and, later, mid-to-large cruisers and destroyers. Smaller escort duties were handled by the older Miranda class ships. However, these vessels were pretty much outmatched by Orion and Klingon pirate forces, requiring the assignment of Excelsior and Steamrunner Class ships to escort duties on the more important convoys. While this insured the protection of the convoys, it also cost a great deal of money. Therefore, a new class of small escorts was needed to provide convoy security, patrol of trade routes, and defense of important trading zones.




The Saber Class had originally started design life as a scout, however her small size made it difficult to fit the proper sensor suites. The SSDAC and ASDB quickly came to the conclusion that the Saber would make an excellent escort platform, saving the development costs of a new class and providing ships far sooner. The facilities for the Sabre Class are considered adequate for her role. They are quite small compared to their larger sisters, but they are still comfortable. Amenities such as personal replicators have been removed, the crew sharing a meal in one of two large messhalls. The Saber Class was designed to carry up to 200 people in emergency situations, though the quarters are little larger than a bed and a set of chairs. The Dominion War placed new importance on these ships, as they provided protection for supply convoys throughout the area of combat operations.




The Saber class was originally considered as a scout, however it was decided the vessel made a better escort and changes were implemented in the design process which resulted in the new classification.




The Saber Class is one of the smallest vessels in general Fleet service. The vessel is also highly modular in nature. This allows smaller independent shipyards to fabricate the major subassemblies, which are then shipped to a larger Starfleet facility for final assembly. The independent yards entered into a fierce battle to offer the most competitive advantage, resulting in significant cost savings as well as improved construction and delivery times.




The Saber Class was fitted with the LF-25 warp drive and FIG-2 impulse system. The result is a vessel capable of high speeds and extended duration — both important for an escort. They also provide large power reserves for weapons and shields.




As an escort, the Saber Class needed to be well-armed. As such she carries four of the new Type X phaser emitters developed for the Galaxy Class, as well as two Mk 75 photon torpedo launchers. The FSP shield system provides exceptional fire-dissipation rates, allowing the ship to stand-to and hammer it out with far larger vessels.



Computer Systems:

Trying to fit the M-13 Isolinear computer system core into the Saber Class proved quite a problem. However, the tactical and propulsion systems required this model. They were finally able to do so, but a great deal of storage capability has been removed to allow the core to fit in the space alotted. This is not considered a problem, however, as the ship’s computing storage needs are minimal.




M’Yengh Yards of Cait was named prime contractor, in view of their excellent work on smaller starship designs, both Fleet and private. However, they actually never built a ship. Instead, they oversaw multiple subcontractors who were selected to help speed production. These contractors produced the ship in sections which were then sent to the larger shipyards for final assembly. In this way, M’Yengh’s experience was leveraged with improved construction techniques, which proved beneficial to all parties.



Development and Construction History:

The Saber Class entered service in 2344 and was built through 2348.



Current Specifications for the Saber class:

Displacement 410,000 mt

Overall Length 189.87 m

Overall Draft 42.48 m

Overall Beam 125.61 m



Two LF-25 Mod 1 dillithium-energized antimatter warp drive units

Two FIG-2 subatomic unified energy impulse units

QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters

“Trentis IV” pulsed laser reaction control system



Warp 7.0 Standard Cruising Speed

Warp 9.0 Maximum Cruising Speed

Warp 9.7 Maximum Attainable Velocity

Duration: 5 years, standard



05 Officers

35 Enlisted Crew

0 Passengers (Normal – Up to 100 maximum)

40 Total Crew (Standard)


Embarked Craft:

 0 Danube Class Runabout

1 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle

0 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle

0 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle

1 Type 16 Shuttlepod

0 Peregrine Class Fighter

0 S-3 Sentry SWAC Shuttle



RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance



M-13 Isolinear I



4 Type X Collimated Phaser Array



2 Mk 75 Photon Torpedo Launchers



FSP Primary Force Field


Life Support:

NAG1 Modular Gravity Unit


AL2 Life Support System