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Sovereign-Class Heavy Cruiser

Since the early days of the Constitution, through the Enterprise and Excelsior, and leading to the current Ambassador, the Heavy Cruiser has offered the best multimission platform and have been the mainstays of their eras. While the Excelsior and Ambassador remain in service, these vessels are now reaching the ends of their design lifespan (especially the Excelsior).




The Galaxy class, while an exceptional platform, has proven to not quite be the panacea expected. The Sovereign class was developed to provide a more modern heavy cruiser platform then the Ambassador or Excelsior Classes at a far lower acquisition and maintenance cost then the Galaxy / Nebula Classes. It was to incorporate the latest in all technologies and was designed with the maximum amount of mission flexibility.




The Sovereign class was envisioned as a Heavy Cruiser from the outset, and has been designed to that mission platform.



Though derided when first launched and, due to problems with her Transwarp drive system, almost cancelled, the Excelsior class has proven to be the most successful starship design in Federation history. The Ambassador class borrowed heavily from the design, and the Sovereign even more so. The second longest ship in the Fleet (after the Griffon class), she is still dwarfed by her larger Galaxy / Galaxy (II) sisters. However, through maximization of space and smaller accommodations, the Sovereign can actually carry close to three times the number of passengers and over twice the cargo. The Sovereign class is an extremely sleek shape, the necessity of design for a high-sustained warp factor offering an unexpected benefit in graceful lines. Exploration is an important part of the Heavy Cruiser mission profile, and Sovereign carries essentially the same suite found on the Galaxy (II) and Intrepid classes. Laboratory space is smaller than the Galaxy (II) but larger than the Intrepid, making it an excellent choice for midrange missions and allowing it to perform full analyses of any phenomena it may come across in the field.




The Sovereign class uses the LF-44 series of warp drive, developed by Cochrane Warp Dynamics to combat the detrimental effect of earlier drives on local space. The Sovereign is capable of a sustained cruising speed of Warp 9.7 and a cruising speed of Warp 6.




Heavy Cruisers have always carried the latest in tactical systems and the Sovereign is no exception, equipped with Type XII phasers and the FSS shield system. The Sovereign also mounts the improved Mk 95 Quantum torpedo launcher, which allows it to fire quantum torpedoes.



Computer Systems:

The Sovereign class uses the M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III computer system found in the Galaxy (II) and Intrepid Classes. The vessel was originally designed to use the M-15, so extensive systems rework was necessary to implement the system in Sovereign and Enterprise. However, all future ships will incorporate the design changes in the yard.




In the tradition of the Constitution, Enterprise, and Excelsior Classes, the Sovereign class is being built in the San Francisco Fleet yards. However, as production ramps up, it is expected Earth Station McKinley and Utopia Planitia will also be assigned construction contracts. Boeing- Mitsubishi was named primary contractor of the project, though they are being assisted by Cosmadyne and the Avondale Group from Rigel II.



Development and Construction History:

The Sovereign class Starship Development Project was launched in 2358. Designs were finalized in 2363 and construction began the following year on two keels. Sovereign entered service in 2372, followed shortly thereafter by the newly christened Enterprise. Five vessels are in service with a sixth undergoing trials. The transfer of three hulls to the Whitehall class project has impacted delivery forecasts, though two vessels are currently under construction with delivery dates through 2381.



Current Specifications for the Sovereign class:

Displacement 3,205,000 mt

Overall Length 685 m

Overall Draft 88 m

Overall Beam 250 m



Two LF-44 Mod 1 energized-energized antimatter warp drive units

Two FIG-5 subatomic unified energy impulse units

QASR-2 particle beam maneuvering thrusters

“Trentis IV” pulsed laser reaction control system



Warp 6 Standard Cruising Speed

Warp 9.7 Maximum Cruising Speed

Warp 9.9+ Maximum Attainable Velocity



5 years, standard



130 Officers

725 Enlisted Crew

0 Passengers (Normal – Up to 12000 maximum)

855 Total Crew (Standard)


Embarked Craft:

0 Danube Class Runabout

3 Type 6 Personnel Shuttle

3 Type 7 Personnel Shuttle

3 Type 9A Cargo Shuttle

6 Type 16 Shuttlepod



RAV / ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance



M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack-Isolinear III with LCARS interface software



9 Type XII Collimated Phaser Array



3 Mk 95 Photon Torpedo Launchers



FSS Primary Force Field


Life Support:

MM6 Modular Gravity Unit


AL4 Life Support System

Sovereign-Class Heavy Cruiser
Sovereign-Class Heavy Cruiser